Red, Green, and the Power of Your Actions

On all that glitters 

“But what if I don’t feel sparkly inside?” asked bear. “Will you still love me?”

“I’ll love you more,” replied bird, “because you shared how you really feel.”

📷: Orbit in gold + copper

It’s three days before Christmas, and it is everywhere.

On the floor.

On the table.

On the soles of my feet.

And even in the bathroom.

I know where it came from.

It’s not a mystery.

But I guess I didn’t realize it would spread.


Even on my bandaged finger.

I cut it pretty decently a couple weeks ago.

Think high-speed drill, a spinning sheet of metal, and an unsuspecting digit.

Watching it heal has been a lesson.

As the wound grew uglier by the day, trusting that the body was working hard to repair was, well, hard.

Especially since I couldn’t do anything specifically to fix what was already done; all I could do was take care of the rest of me: eat good food, guard my sleep, change the dressings, and practice patience.

At a time when the wounds of the world seem to get uglier by the day, it can be hard to trust that our small actions will ever make an impact.

And, yet, that’s what we must do.

Live by our values.

Call out injustice.

Practice self-care as we do what we can with what we have.

Sparkly gold glitter from the paper I used to wrap my family presents is all over my house. It spreads. As do all things.

And it now seams the line that tattoos my finger.

The pain continues to diminish. And sensation is returning. A couple weeks ago, I didn’t know if these things were possible.

Whether there’s glitter or not, where can you spread love and care – for your self or others – today?


Layers, Love, and Cooking Casseroles


Thoughts, Thoughts, and Thinking More Thoughts